31 August 2009

Trinogamy and what it is

Trinogamy is basically the practice of having 3 people in a commited relationship. Yes there is alot more to it, but the nuts and bolts gist of the idea is that 3 people are all in a relationship. No, it is not an OPEN relationship, becuase you are not going out trying to find more people or sleeping around or any of that. You are COMMITED! In most Trinogamous relationships there is at least one bi-sexual individual, or 2, or hell all 3 or none at all can be bi-sexual, it doesn't matter.

This life style is HARD and is not for everyone. If you thought that trust issues were hard when it was just 2 people together in a relationship, just imagine what it would be like with 3. I am making this blog partly becuase I could not find anything like it on the web... and trust me, I LOOKED! I wanted to share people a snap shot of our lives together... explain how we handle (or try) different things, such as affection, trust, love, time, and kids (yes, 2 kids). And how we came to BEING Trinogamous.

Anyone that has happened to run across this blog, will probably have done the EXACT same thing that I did, and that was to just do a search for "Trinogamy" becuase you either heard a friend mention it or saw it on TV or whatever. Hopefully, after reading my words about our experiences and our LIFE it will help you to make an informed decision on if you think that you can make this life style work for you.


  1. hi! just came across your blog and am looking forward to reading it! :)

  2. Hey, just found this blog after searching (you got it). Sounds great so far.

  3. I m a bisexual male. I have had girlfriends
    and boyfriends in the past. but frankly - I m
    attracted to both sexes. I need both, this
    relationship type sounds great for people
    like me - the bisexual that wants commitment.

  4. How is this different from a polyfidelitous triad or "V"? Do you have any interactions with other polyfidelitous (or even polyamorous) people?

  5. the exact same thing is happening to us. And Im researching any information that might be helpful for us. Question, Im a mother of twoo. How do i handle the kids with the relationship?

  6. This is exactly the relationship my husband and I seek, but we seem to not be able to find any like minded people on this. Most just want a fling or open relationship. Even a temporary thing, but no one wants to commit. And the one person we did find ended up being a fraud. Is there any websites or anyway of meeting like minded people? I have yet to find one. Also polyamorous relationships are defined as "open relationships" so I don't even bother with those sites.

  7. We are a gay couple who have been together for almost 10 years and ave been married for three. We just became involved in a trinogamous relationship with another younger man. It has been a little over a month that we were committed. One thing that is difficult for me is that my husband and he work together and have the same hours and the same days off. We only have one day together. I am feeling that our third partner is having stronger feelings for my husband although he does show my affection, it just seems his is stronger for my husband. It's been beautiful as things develop but it has been hard work... There are moments where I want to pull out but I dont want to short change the relationship.

  8. My partner (39) and I (30) are having this trinogamous gay relationship with another young guy (22), in which I instigated in the first place.

    My partner and I have been together for 5 years and there are times that we tend to be less affectionate to each other. We work in the same company at the same group. He is my higher manager to be exact.

    Until I met this young guy (22) from work. I introduced him to us. He hesitantly accepted it, but he did.

    This young guy and I had this first attraction and eventually, he shared that to my partner.

    The first month, everything was doing so well. Our sex life came back to life.

    I even set some rules to avoid jealousy or envy.

    1.) Always communicate with your partners. Inform your whereabouts, plans, feelings, things you hate, etc. Involve one another in any case.

    2.) No sex from any two of us three, behind our backs. Kissing is allowed though.

    3.) Never ask who is loved more and never answer.

    4.) Work professionally.

    However, I am starting to feel weary when this young guy showing much more attention towards my partner. I feel irritated everytime I see their sweetness. I was even trying to compare myself to my partner, who has the most things in common.

    In other words, I am so jealous! I am so envious! I am having this paranoia that they might leave me and be left behind!

    My partner is starting to get irritated on me, everytime he sees me dettached with them.

    What shall I do. I love them both. They mean the world to me.

    1. HI

      My Partner and I are going through the exact same thing that you are mentioning here and in this situation I would be you. Tell me how are things now. How have you coped. Please email me on zeowitch@yahoo.com

  9. I want to be monogamous but my partner, now ex, wanted this trinogamy thing. It sounds like my jealousy would still surface, a lot of drama would unfold, and I would be unhappy. Why should he get two women? Just because Im bisexual? He's a womanizer with serious insecurities and ego issues. I commend you all for trying this and keeping communication open, but I don't see how relationships like these can last.

  10. It's awesome & encouraging to hear you guys have done this for her. I am in a sim. sitch as she. With me, my first high school sweetheart & I ended not cause we didn't love each other and tho we moved on in life and lost contact we never gave up on each other and our love never died off. This yr we found each other via online. He is no longer in a committed relationship & I have been happily married to my 2nd high school sweetheart for 23yrs. Tho they hated each other in school, my guys have forgiving each other and are developing a friendship of their own and are willing to share me. They understand I need them both and love them both to be truly and 100% complete. We are in the very fragile beginnings of it all but the 3 of us have already grown so close. The biggest hurdle for us at this point is geographical, 20hrs. He cannot leave where he is currently due to committments & we can't uproot our kids & such w/our home. But the 3 of us are working through that as well. The 3 of us have joked 'bout it's like the 2 of them are sharing custody of me - I get to bounce back & forth for now 'til we can all be in 1 location. Thanks so much for putting this out there for those of us who need the info & can't find it, especially for us as we are 3 VERY straight people.

  11. I've been in this type of relationship for a year now. I've been married for 23 years, but a year ago we fell in love with an awesome girl. My wife and I have two teen daughters, who are completely accepting of the relationship (my mom, not so much). It's amazing having two people that love me for who I am. I can't imagine life any other way.
